Thursday, April 1, 2010

Meet My Newest Angel, Tuyen

See the texture added to the canvas.
The tree trunk is made of grout.
There is a lot of texture to this piece.

After many more layers, (I don't want to bore you) she comes alive.
Here is Tuyen my newest angel. She is Asian and her name means Angel. She is here to teach humility and grace. The energy that surrounded me while I was creating Tuyen was humility and grace which is something I think each one of us needs to allow to flow from our spirits into the world now more than ever. Through grace we see and feel the divine connection which weaves all life together and through humility we allow the compassion to open us up to more possibilities. While painting her I meditated on allowing this energy to flow through me. I hope you enjoy her grace.

***My daughter just made a lot of corrections and updates on the ART website she lovingly
built for me, so check it out if you have time.
Hope your day is filled with grace and love.

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